If we don't talk to our friends and family, how can we expect to grow closer to them? If you stopped talking to your friend for a month how likely would it be that the two of you would still be close? Communication is KEY. Without communication any relationship can fall apart. That includes your relationship with God.
God wants us to be CONSTANT in prayer. CONSTANT in communication with Him. He wants us to be praying to Him through out our day, because what is prayer? Prayer is talking to God. When you don't talk to a friend you drift apart, the same thing can happen with God! If we aren't talking to Him on a regular basis we will begin to lose our connection with Him... God WANTS us to talk to him!
You may not realize it, but any time you pray you are bonding with God--growing closer to Him and forming a stronger connection. Anything that brings us to pray like losing a loved one, losing a job, seeing a beautiful sunrise, etc is truly a blessing because it is spurring us to COMMUNICATE with God, to be CLOSER to God.
Prayer is making a connection to God, talking to Him and communicating with Him. Telling Him all about your day, your fears, your dreams, and asking Him for help and guidance. God WANTS to talk to you and the greatest part is that He is ALWAYS there! So whenever you need a listening ear or a little help God is always there to hear you.
Since God is always with you, why not always be talking to Him? Praying throughout the day, with out stopping is a great goal because it will bring you closer than ever to the Lord! So talk to Him, PRAY, because growth in any relationship is ALL ABOUT COMMUNICATION. So make it your goal this next week to talk to God more and to talk to your friends more. I think you will see some major relationship growth!
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